The Early Invoicing feature allows you to send an invoice to your customer as soon as you have a Proof of Delivery and Customer Rate Confirmation. This will allow you to get the invoice in the hands of your customers sooner, especially if you have contractors who take a long time to finalize their paperwork.
How to Generate and Send Invoices
Early Invoicing can be used on jobs in Draft and Pending Approval status. Once you have saved or submitted the job, click on the job in your Jobs Board to open the detailed view. Below the document upload fields you will find the button, which will either say "Generate and Send Invoice" or "Send Latest" depending on the status of the job and whether or not you've previously sent an invoice.
Once you've sent the invoice, an "Invoice Generated" entry will appear with a downloadable PDF. The invoice will be queued up to send to the billing contact on file for your customer, and will be sent within 15 minutes.
Invoice & Send History
In the same section you will see a history of generated invoices and sent emails. A change to the invoice such as an additional document being added or a change to the amount due will result in a new invoice version being generated.
Each time you click to send the invoice, a Sent event will populate below the Invoice Generated version, approximately 15 minutes after you send it. To the right of the Sent entry you will see three icons, indicating the email was successfully delivered, opened, or dropped. A dropped email is generally caused by an invalid email address, or an email being blocked or sent to spam.
Invoices generated or manually sent by our Operations department will also appear in this history.
Does Denim Still Send an Invoice?
Only if you have not manually sent an invoice in your dashboard. Once you send an invoice, all automatic invoicing from Denim is turned off. This means that if you make a change after sending the first invoice, such as adding another document or changing an amount, you will need to send another version.
However, for any job where you have not sent an invoice on your side, Denim will send an invoice when the job is approved.
Do I still have to upload a contractor invoice in the Supporting Paperwork section?
Yes. You still need to upload your contractor’s invoice before submitting the job for funding, so that Denim can pay your contractor.
Will my aging calculations change?
Aging will only begin once the job has been approved, and not when an invoice is manually sent.