Express Factoring offers accelerated job review and instant payment upon approval, for an additional fee. Contact your Client Relationship Manager at to learn more and get started.
Express Factoring - Client Advance Settings
To default your own advances to Express Factoring, contact your Account Manager at and receive a volume discount on all Express Factoring jobs you submit.
Contractor Payment Terms
To set up a Contractor with Express Factoring by default, navigate to Contractors > Select the Contractor > Actions > Edit Payment Terms.
Select Custom Terms to be able to toggle on Express Factoring by default for the selected Contractor. You will also have the option to pass on Express Factoring fees to this contractor by default.
Note that not all bank accounts are compatible with Express Factoring, but most bank accounts that Denim has paid are compatible. If a Contractor's bank account is not compatible, Express Factoring options will not be available for that Contractor.
Add Job - Pay a Contractor
When adding a job, Express Factoring can be requested for your own advances and for contractor payments with compatible bank accounts.
When adding a job, contractors with compatible bank accounts will show Express Factoring available, and Express Factoring can be requested with a toggle. The Express Factoring fee can be passed on to the contractor using an additional toggle.
If the selected contractor's payment terms are configured to default Express Factoring, the Request Express Factoring toggle will be on by default. Otherwise, you will be able to opt-in on a job-by-job basis.
Add Job - My Advance
Under My Advance, Express Factoring can be toggled on or off for your own advance. If your account is configured to default your advances to Express Factoring, this toggle will be on by default. Otherwise, you will be able to opt-in on a job-by-job basis.