What causes this error?
An "Object Not Found" occurs when Denim tries to modify an existing entity in your QuickBooks (e.g. an Invoice, Bill, etc.), but that entity no longer exists due to it being voided or deleted directly in QuickBooks.
How do I resolve this error?
When this type of syncing error occurs, the failed sync record must be manually updated in your QuickBooks. The Denim QuickBooks dashboard will display all relevant information about the entity to sync along with the direct link to that record in your QuickBooks, allowing you to easily make that change in QuickBooks.
Once you have manually updated your QuickBooks with the data from the failed sync record, you should mark the failed sync record as "skipped" in the Denim QuickBooks dashboard.
Next Steps
When a sync record cannot be synced, that also means that any sync records that depend on that record cannot be synced. For example, if we fail to sync a Bill update to change the Bill due date, we cannot sync any future sync records that depend on that Bill, including syncing Bill Payments.
Additionally, when a failed sync record is marked as "skipped," we will automatically skip any existing or future sync records that depend on that "skipped" record.
In order to keep your QuickBooks up-to-date with Denim, you must manually update your QuickBooks with data from the failed sync record as well as data from all existing and future dependent sync records.