Curious about your current Denim Cash balance or prior transactions? The Denim Cash report contains a history of transactions, including the payment type and source for a desired period of time. You can easily manage your funding all in one view!
Your current Denim Cash balance is front and center in this report. You can also use the start and end date filters to filter the time constraints. Reset search via the button to remove the dates, or click the Export button to view on your local machine!
Event Types Explained
- Giveback
- This event occurs when Denim sends funds to your Denim Cash.
- The most common reason for this event is to offset a previous chargeback where your debtor later pays, or when a debtor overpays an invoice.
- Rebate Auto Giveback
- This event occurs when an invoice is closed out, and Denim sends your rebate.
- Chargeback
- This occurs when a debtor does not fully pay an invoice. Denim charges back the open balance to your account, debiting funds from your Denim Cash balance.
- Rebate Auto Chargeback
- Your rebate/reserve is charged back when there is a chargeback on the invoice greater than the rebate/reserve amount.
- Outgoing
- A transfer of funds from your Denim Cash balance to your bank account.