There are two main purposes to Denim Cash:
Keeps track of each rebate generated after your customer pays the respective invoice. Upon posting a payment to an invoice, your Denim Cash will generate a Rebate Auto Giveback, which simply means the rebate is flowing into your Denim Cash account.
Fund your non-factored jobs. If you ever need to pay a contractor, but you are not factoring the invoice, you can send Denim the funds so we can pay your contractors. You'll need to make sure you've added the Bill Pay job as described in this article and that your account is set up for this feature.
Releasing Denim Cash:
Denim Cash is automatically released every Friday, as long as your account is in good standing. This means your account is actively funding and you do not have any invoices in dispute or aging beyond their payment term.
If you are unsure why you did not receive your Denim Cash on any given Friday, please reach out to to inquire.
Negative Denim Cash:
If your Denim Cash account is negative, this likely means you had some invoices charged back, or you over-advanced a contractor. To get your account back in the green Denim will recover the negative amount from your client advances, or you may be asked to send the negative amount to Denim. To review your Denim Cash history and transactions you can view the Denim Cash Report.