For each new customer you bill through Denim, we email the Notice of Assignment (NOA) to their AP department and ask some simple questions. To get ahead, you can notify your customer directly before submitting your first job with them. Simply use the template below, remember to attach the NOA and cc Once we get the required information back from the customer, they are ready to be billed!
Email Template:
Please answer the following questions for my factoring company Denim Payments:
Can you confirm your remit address is updated for payments to go to Denim's address on the Notice of Assignment (NOA)?
What email address does Denim need to send invoices to?
What email address/phone number does Denim need to use for collections?
Is there anyone else that Denim should contact to the confirm our NOA?
Are there any reference numbers Denim should list on the invoice to identify the load?
What are your payment terms?